Listening To...

Publié le par Matrix

Angie Hart - Blue

Night falls, I fall
And where were you ?
And where were you ?

Warm skin, wolf grin
And wheeere were you ?

I fell into the moon
And it covered you in bluuue
I fell into the moon
Can I make it right?
Can I spend the night ?

High tide, inside
The air is dew
And where were you ?

While I, I died
And wheeere were you ?

I crawled out of the world
And you said I shouldn't stay
I crawled out of the world
Can I make it right?
Can I spend the niiiight

Alone ?

(Oui, en ce moment je chante sur les vieilles chansons dont j'avais appris les paroles au lycée. Avec un peu de chances ça emmerdera les voisins. En tout cas ça me fait du bien.)

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